At the time, we were a company with 4 employees, specialized in thermal flow and structural mechanics simulations. Today, we have 25 employees, our expertise and competences have expanded, we are located at 3 different locations in the Netherlands and are able to tackle the most complex problems. This wouldn’t have been possible without the synergy between us and the other Demcon companies. Together, we grow stronger!
Joost: “With the acquisition of Bunova by Demcon, synergy was created. Thanks to the increasingly complex challenges from Demcon projects, Demcon multiphysics was able to grow as a company, both in the number of people as well as in competencies. In addition to fluid dynamics and structural mechanical analysis, we are now also specialized in electromagnetics, nuclear physics, acoustics and, more recently, plasma physics.”
Over the past 10 years, many fruitful collaborations have emerged between multiphysics and other Demcon BV’s, including HTS, LS&H, MIM, Focal, Kryoz, Macawi, DUS, Finapres and Nymus 3D and also the newer Sync Biosystems and FSO.
Dennis Schipper, CEO Demcon group: “Multiphysics really has added value within the Demcon group and is involved in many different projects. Joost leads Demcon multiphysics full of enthusiasm.”