Weitere Leistungen, die wir anbieten
- Identifizierung der Lärmquelle
- Messung des Schallleistungspegels
- Vibrationsprüfung
- Thermoakustische Analyse
- Aeroakustische Analyse
- Maßgeschneiderte Schalldämpferkonstruktion
- Vorhersage von Schallabstrahlung, -absorption und -übertragung
Our Sorama acoustic camera enables us to visualize noise sources in structures of any size. Moreover, using our B&K sound-intensity probe, we can visualize the power and directional distribution of sound and evaluate the effectiveness of eliminating noise sources. We also use computational tools that enable a high-resolution description of acoustic phenomena. Specifically, simulations can provide insight into noise source locations as well as sound propagation, directionality and frequencies. Subsequently, noise mitigation can be accomplished by reducing or damping the noise or decoupling the noise source from the overall structure.
Besides visualizing the sound, we can also quantify a sound field using our B&K sound level meter and B&K sound intensity probe. This allows us to provide a measure according to the prevalent standards, such as ISO 61672, ISO 3745, and ISO 9614.