Acoustics, Experiments

A comparison of stairlift noise

Koninklijke Otolift Trapliften is a leading manufacturer of stairlifts. These stairlifts assist people with reduced mobility to get up and down the stairs. In that way, stairlifts offer freedom and access to those with reduced mobility. To assess the noise emission of these stairlifts, Demcon performed independent sound measurements. Using a sound intensity probe, the emitted sound power was obtained. This was also done for other stairlifts from four competitors in order to benchmark the performance in terms of sound emission.

Quietly moving up and down

acoustic experiment.

We compared five stairlifts in this study: one from Koninklijke Otolift Trapliften and four from competitors. All stairlifts were performing a duty cycle during the measurements: starting in the lowest position, moving upward and subsequently moving downward. We used a manual scanning technique according to the ISO 9614-2 standard to determine the average intensity of each surface enclosing the stairlifts. The overall sound power level was subsequently calculated.


Demcon multiphysics.

Demcon multiphysics is an engineering agency with high-end expertise in the area of heat transfer, fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, acoustics, electromagnetism and nuclear physics. We support clients from a wide variety of market sectors and help them achieve their goals in research and development with deep physical insights.

We combine fundamental physical knowledge from an analytical approach with Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) simulations tools from ANSYS, MATHWORKS, COMSOL, STAR-CCM+ and FLUKA to setup, execute, analyze and evaluate numerical simulations. The use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Finite Element Analysis (FEM / FEA), Lumped Element Modelling (LEM), Computational Electromagnetics (CEM) and Monte Carlo simulations enables us to make a virtual prototype of your design. With these techniques we can simulate the fluid and gas flows, energy exchange, heat and mass transfer, stresses, strains and vibrations in structures and the interaction of electromagnetic fields with other physical aspects like heat generation. Simulation-driven product development increases the development efficiency and reduces the product development time. Our services can therefore fully support you in the designing phase, from idea up to prototype, from prototype to final design.
